Saturday, December 27, 2008

Merry Christmas!!!!

This year we decided to spend the night at my parents for Christmas. It was a lot of work, but well worth it. We had such a great time with Tanner, Leisha, Holly, Adam, Mom, Dad and Grandpa. We enjoyed mom's great traditional candle lit dinner and then reading and reenacting the Nativity. It was a fun night filled with Tanner and Josie dancing, Grandpa singing Greensleeves, Christmas music and kids full of excitement.
Spreading some Reindeer Dust

During our Christmas Eve celebration we heard bells and a knock at the door. The kids were excited to find PJ's with a note from the was time to go to bed!

All snuggled in....

Tanner's Christmas surprise in his stocking (Leisha I can't believe you!)

She asked for Dorothy shoes....I guess by the look on her face these were close enough

Tea Party with Belle

It's all about trains for this kiddo

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Ho! Ho! Ho!

Santa came to L-town on a firetruck to take orders last Friday. The kids have always been too scared to enjoy it, but this year they couldn't wait!!!!

Josie and Santa reading her letter:
Dear Santa,

I like you. I've been good. Please bring me fingernail polish, teaset, and Dorothy shoes.
Love, Josie

Payton explaining which trains he needs and our great babysitter as the Elf