Oh Jo-Jo look at you ..... all grown up. Seems like yesterday we were bringing you home from the hospital. You are such a sweet thing. Josie you make me laugh everyday....every single day. You have a very fun personality. You are also one tough chic, I don't think I will have to worry about you standing up to anyone. Thank you for being such a great big sister. I love to listen as you sing to Haylee each night. You spoil Haylee more than any of us, you are always worried about her feelings being hurt. I hope that you and Payton can continue to be best friends. You are my big helper and I am so thankful for you. You still love your Nana more than anything...I'm guessing you are going to grow up to be a shopper just like her. Your family loves you so much, thanks for bringing sunshine into our lives!!!
We have a few photos of Brandon holding Josie when she was brand new... I remember coming to see her and thinking she was one of the most beautiful babies I had ever seen. I was so excited for you to be a mama. I've loved watching Josie grow through the years. She has sass and personality to spare, and it's all the good kind. I love that girl! I can't believe she is 5... I remember just yesterday my oldest was 5. ;)
Oh my goodness...so cute! Hope she had a Happy Birthday!
A 5 year old? Please make it stop!
Oh my goodness, she is sooo cute! I don't have any that old yet, but I do understand just how quick they grown. I just wish they'd stay small, but I love to watch them grow!
And I love your blog layout!
(Sorry, not "grown", but "grow" ;)
Too cute! I haven't been a blog stalker... I'm a little slow.
So Cute!!! You blog is darling...
Just wanted to check in with you to see when we can meet up with you to come get your prize you won on our blog???
Didn't want you to think we forgot about you :)
Let us know, and thanks so much!!
The Back Porch
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