Wow! It has been a busy past few months. Life has been hectic with preparing for the baby, the kids with spring fever (and Landon), working, watching the Jazz and so much more. In March Payton scared the heck out of us. I was working and Landon stopped in at his moms to check on the kids. He decided to leave them there and go home to feed the animals. All of the kids were inside with Patti and Landon left to go home. He began backing up but had to stop at the end of the driveway to wait for some cars to pass. He waited there momentarily and then continued to back out of the driveway and head home. In those few moments while waiting for the cars to pass Payton had decided he wanted to go with his dad. So Payton snuck out of the house and ran out the the truck without Landon ever seeing him. The truck began moving and Payton grabbed onto the ranch bumper of Landon's truck. He was low enough that Landon could not possibly see him. Landon continued to go home driving approximately 55 mph. A neighbor of Patti's was outside and could hear someone screaming. He was able to catch a glimpse of Payton hanging there and immediately jumped in his car in hopes of catching Landon before something tragic occurred. He said he could see Payton's little feet bouncing off of the road, but was never able to get close enough to Landon to stop him. Landon continued driving about two miles to Halls gas station and went to turn. A woman was at the stop sign and started waving her hands to get Landon's attention. Landon was so confused but pulled over and jumped out of his truck. He was shocked to see Payton hanging there crying. There is no explanation of how Payton was able to hang on. The bottom of his socks and pants were shredded...he was not wearing any shoes. But there was not a scratch or mark on his feet. A tender mercy without a doubt. There were so many how's and why's that still cannot be answered. The next night we were reading scriptures as a family in Second Nephi. I don't remember the chapter but I remember reading Nephi's testimony and conviction that we are in the mercy of our Heavenly Father and we must not trust in the arm of the flesh, but in our Heavenly Father. Never have I felt so strongly about this principle. We are so thankful that we still have Payton in our lives. I believe that he has a purpose and Heavenly Father has a plan for him. A family friend Ron Mumford also compared Payton's experience to holding to the Iron Rod. It is not an easy task, but we must hold on...through all afflictions and adversity. When Payton showed me how he was hanging on my stomach is still unbelievable to me. As for Payton he was shook up for about an hour and then on to being a little boy...climbing ladders and asking Landon of next time he could ride on the back of the truck. Ahhhhh!!!! Boys will be boys!
Zane Landon Wiser
7 lbs 8 oz
Happy Easter!
I am so grateful that Payton was protected, so sorry that Josie (and you) have to go through a broken leg, and so sorry that your hands and feet itched so much (I didn't know that! You are so not a complainer. :) Zane is adorable, and I can't wait to meet him. I'm glad he's finally here, and that you have made it to the 4 children mark.... way to go! :)
Love you guys. Miss you lots.
Wow you really have had a rough couple of months...and yet you are still going on. It was so great to see all of you and I am so glad Josie is back at school and that Zane is here and healthy. He is so adorable and I cannot wait to get back there and hold him again. The girls had so much fun with your kids we can't wait to see you all again! I love the pictures.
It sounds like you have had a rough few weeks. I can't believe your little boy was able to hang on like that -- that is seriously a miracle! That is exaclty how I got ran over -- just running after my dad as he was backing up in the yard because I wanted to ride with him. So scary!
Congratulations again on your new litte addition. I hope things are going well for you.
What an amazing story! Glad he was ok Congrats on Baby Zane. I can't believe how much your girls look like you and Megan when I first met in you in the first grade
Your kids are so beautiful... Congratulations, and good luck with all the mess they will still make!
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