Monday, October 27, 2008

Halloween Party!!!

Patti had an awesome Halloween Party. It was one of the most fun I've been to. We're not usually the type to get into dressing up, but we all had a great time! Patti went all out with a Spook Alley, Carving Pumpkins, a Pinata. Even the food was themed with Mummy Dogs, Goblets with Dripping Blood, Eyeball deviled eggs and more. Thank you Nana for the fun!

Austin Powers

Father and Sons

Austin Powers and Associate

Willy the Pirate



Kitty, Cheerleader, and the Incredibles (Helen, Bob, Violet and Dash all made an appearance)

The Hostess

Captain Pete
Mad House in the Garage

Power Ranger using his skills on the pinata

Even Grandma and Grandpa couldn't resist getting in on the fun!!!!


The Oylers said...

Oh my gosh that looks like so much fun. And you and Landon look hilarious. How fun. I am super jealous. Your kids were super cute.

Mindy said...

Landon makes a scary pirate, and you make one beautiful little old lady! I want to sit by you in relief society or something! ;) Your kids are adorable.

The Oylers said...

Hey Melissa, Why didn't you dress up?

-Jake O

Holly said...

How Fun! You are adorable. I wish you had a better pic of Jose though.

Ty & Em said...

that is so cute! You guys look so cute all dressed up!

Amy F. said...

That looks so fun. What an awesome Grandma. Go Patti!

Caprice Erickson said...

Oh my gosh you guys are hilarious!!! Are you coming to celine with us? I hope so!! Ok so, sorry I haven't called you about pics but, my mom said she saw you so, call me! Just go to my photography blog and my number is there on the pricing link! Hope to see you guys soon!