Saturday, January 31, 2009

Sweet Pea Creative Dance Recital

Josie had her dance recital this week and as you can tell she was sooooo excited. My sis-in-law, Cristy Wiser and a friend started a little dance company this year called Sweet Pea and it has been so great. I had Josie in another dance class but it seemed like a bit too much (the costumes were over $50) so I was so excited when Cristy started Sweet Pea. It seems much more relaxed and more geared for younger girls right now and as one of my friend says "without the sexy moves". Anyhow dancing is really not my thing, but Josie has loved it and everyone enjoyed the fun recital. This is total picture overload....but if anyone knows Josie they know she loves to be the star of the show!!!!!

Josie's Solo

Cousins - Emma and Josie


tysonandmandimoser said...

These pictures are so cute and fun. I want a girl SO BAD!! I love my boys, but I hope someday I can have a cute little girl like yours. How fun!!!

The Oylers said...

She is so dang cute! I want Molly to take dance, maybe I do need to start one up. How did you do her hair that way? I want to try it so I need details. Well talk to you later.

Kadi said...

She is so cute. Hey were is that dance studio. If you don't remember me I am Patty and Larry's neighbor. I just think your kids are the cutest.
Kadi Seamons