Ten minutes later I talked myself into getting my behind out of bed. I came downstairs to find Payton sitting quietly, waiting patiently for me to get up. A surge of guilt went through me. It was a quiet morning. Payton and Haylee sat and ate breakfast together. And we all kept singing little songs. Payton was making Haylee laugh by grinning his little smile, flashing his beautiful blue eyes and singing repeatedly "Haylee Megan, Haylee Megan, Haylee Megan". For some reason Payton has always used Haylee's full name.
Some of you don't know, but when I was 17 I had a sister named Megan who died in a car accident. She had just turned 19. Wow it is still so hard to write that, it always has been. We were and are still a very close family. It always bugs me that my husband and my kids don't know Megan.
I want them to know her.
I want them to know how funny she was.
I want them to know how great she was.
I want them to feel her friendship and love.
Like I did.
I have talked to Josie about her quite a bit. I tell her little stories. I tell her that we laid in bed together laughing and talking all the time. I tell her that we rode our bikes almost every night in the summers together. I've taken her to the cemetery with me. And she knows who Megan is.
Well this morning as Payton was singing Haylee Megan, I tried to explain that I used to have a sister named Megan. He didn't quite understand, he said "Yes she is right there, Haylee Megan."
I said "No, when I was a little girl I had a sister named Megan."
He sat for a moment contemplating and then calmly said "Ya we saw her."
"No Payton we didn't, Megan died."
"Died?" Payton stood firm, "We saw her."
Now I was really interested. "Where did you see her?"
"Remember we saw her where the rainbow lights were on the bushes."
I was so confused. Was this some psychedelic dream Payton had dreamed? Was this a dream about the pot at the end of the rainbow?
Payton said" I saw Megan when we saw the rainbow lights on the bushes and trees."
I stood there still so confused and Payton was trying so hard for me to understand. Then he repeated it again "I saw Megan when we saw the rainbow lights on the bushes and trees" but then he added "at the temple mom, remember?" Suddenly it hit me. This winter for our family Christmas party we went to the Salt Lake Temple to see the lights. It was a great night! Mom and Dad planned it to remind all of us how important the temple is, especially the Salt Lake Temple because that is where our family began.
It was all making sense now. I had forgotten that Payton had called colored Christmas lights Rainbow lights. "Payton, did you see Megan when we went to the temple?"
"Yes she was behind me."
"She was????"
"Yes, with Jesus."
Tears were filling my eyes and beginning to spill over. "Payton did she talk to you?"
"Nope she just walked by me."
Thank you Payton for reminding me how special kids are. Thank you for reminding me how close each of us walk with Jesus. I feel completely renewed. I want to be a better mother. I want to be a better person. Thank you Payton for sharing your light with me!
That is so sweet! I am crying! It's amazing how close our kids are to heavenly father! It's amazing the things Brody says!
That is an amazing story. I loved your sister Megan. She was one of the sweetest people that I have ever met. I still think of her from time to time. Children truly are close to our Heavenly Father. Thanks for sharing that story.
That is a sweet story, I will treasure the stories of our nieces and nephews experiences with this as well as my own sweet Molly. i really do believe they all know Megan and spent time with her before they came to be with us. I love you all and kiss that sweet little boy for me, I adore him.
I don't know why, but it seems to me as though Megan is closer lately. She's been in my thoughts so much lately. I miss her.
Oh, Mel.
Ok...so just because yall will laugh, and as I am always the comic relief. I am crying at work right now. Thank you so much Melissa. I too, needed that. It makes me want to be better. Way Better! Love you
What an amazing story! I am so glad you recorded that to remember always. Thanks for sharing!
Ok now I am crying. Megan was the best and I see a little of her in all of the nieces and nephews. Payton is kind and loving like her. I know she was at the Temple that night because everything was perfect and she would not miss my birthday:)
I miss Megan, too. She was my birthday pal and was always so nice to me even though I was younger than her.
oh geez, i just came over here to tell you that i loved your daughter's hair and then i read your post and now i'm a blubbering mess and making awful snorting noises. you have a beautiful family, and i'm not just talking about your kids and husband either. ;)
Thanks for making me cry my eyes out Melissa -- I can't even see to type this. I don't even know what to type other than thanks for sharing, and it just reminded me so much of my own feelings with my brother. But, I think my kids do know him, just as yours know Megan. And I think it is so good to talk about them and share memories so that we don't ever forget -- because I never want to forget.
That is an amazing story. What a special gift to share that amazing experince with your son. Of course I am crying like the rest of the readers. They are tears of happiness and peace. Love you and yours.
thank you for sharing that story. you made me cry like a baby! i love kids...they are so simple and pure and good. they make us remember sometimes what it is really all about!
All I can say is WOW! What an amazing moment to have. It makes me ralize how close heaven really is and how special these little ones that we have are. I loved Megan so much, she was such an example to me and so much fun. When I think of her it makes me smile.
hi, i am caprice's sis inlaw. she called me and told me that i had to read this story,and she also told me to get the tissues because she knows i am such a baby. That was a beautiful story. Thank you for reminding me how special kids are and still how close they are to our heavenly father. wonderful story
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