Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Ho! Ho! Ho!

Santa came to L-town on a firetruck to take orders last Friday. The kids have always been too scared to enjoy it, but this year they couldn't wait!!!!

Josie and Santa reading her letter:
Dear Santa,

I like you. I've been good. Please bring me fingernail polish, teaset, and Dorothy shoes.
Love, Josie

Payton explaining which trains he needs and our great babysitter as the Elf


The Oylers said...

They are all getting too big, we miss you guys so much, I need to see them and you. Looks like they had fun, Hayley looks like she did good, Annie was not a fan, I need to put up pics of her with Santa...they are hilarious.

Mindy said...

Dear Santa,
Please find Brandon a job and find us a house right next to these cute kids so I can see them every single day.
Love, Mindy

Ty & Em said...

Oh! That's so cute You kids have gotten so big! They are so cute! I miss you guys! P.S. I need your address to send my annual christmas card! ha ha

tysonandmandimoser said...

Melissa- It is so fun to see your cute family. Good luck with the Dorathy shoes. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas!