Our new baby girl was born on January 30 at 6:14 p.m. She weighed 7lb 1oz, our smallest baby yet, and was 20 inches. She is doing great and we are so excited to have her here. She was a surprise for us since she was a week early and we are used to a week late, but will take it.
Hello world, here I am.
Mom and Baby
Josie and Payton meeting there sweet new sister
Landon and his new woman, I mean the baby of course
We still have not decided on a name, so if you have any suggestions speak now or forever hold your peace. We once again have been blessed with the miracle of bringing another spirit into a world and want to express how grateful we are for this. We love all of you and wish you could be here.
Hello world, here I am.
Mom and Baby
Josie and Payton meeting there sweet new sister
Landon and his new woman, I mean the baby of course
We still have not decided on a name, so if you have any suggestions speak now or forever hold your peace. We once again have been blessed with the miracle of bringing another spirit into a world and want to express how grateful we are for this. We love all of you and wish you could be here.