We had a awesome Easter Sunday. Landon's little brother Cole is getting ready to go on his mission to Peoria Illinois and was speaking in church so we went ahead and blessed Haylee the same day since most of our family would be around. Cole did such a good job speaking, he will be a great missionary. My cousin Bessie also spoke so it was fun to be there. They both spoke on faith, something that I think we all can use more of. We need to replace our fear with faith. Their ward had a youth orchestra, it was amazing, they played an arrangement of I Believe in Christ. Hayden and Caleb Smith were in it, they both play the violin. The last two speakers spoke of Christ and the Resurrection. We are so blessed. Because of Christ's sacrifice we can all, through Him, return to our Heavenly Father. My mind was on Megan throughout most of the day and I know that one day we will see her again. I am so grateful for Heavenly Fathers plan. It was a special day and perfect day for Haylee Megan to receive her name.
A glimpse of Haylee smiling
Aunt Holly made her the perfect bracelet to go with the dress
The beautiful dress that my mom made
Attempting a family picture with 3 under 3, who are we kidding?

My mom and Haylee
Sharing the Wisdom.
This is one of my favorite pictures of the day. My Grandpa started showing off his false teeth to these young boys and they sat and talked with him for quite awhile. It was fun to listen to my grandpa share stories with them. The past few years, since my grandma passed away, it has been difficult to watch him suffer the loss. A moment like this reminds me of what a special personality he has. He always has a joke to tell, a poem to recite, and a song to sing. As I was walking away one of the boys said 'so how old are you anyways.' It was so cute. I'm sure my grandpa loved it.
This is one of my favorite pictures of the day. My Grandpa started showing off his false teeth to these young boys and they sat and talked with him for quite awhile. It was fun to listen to my grandpa share stories with them. The past few years, since my grandma passed away, it has been difficult to watch him suffer the loss. A moment like this reminds me of what a special personality he has. He always has a joke to tell, a poem to recite, and a song to sing. As I was walking away one of the boys said 'so how old are you anyways.' It was so cute. I'm sure my grandpa loved it.
The pictures are so adorable! I love the one with Grandpa and the boys too! Haylee looks perfect, and the dress turned out so nice! YOu look beautiful too, Melissa! Really!
Can't wait to see you this weekend!
Okay so I think the dress and headband turned out so beautiful. She is so cute. And your little family is getting to be so big...I can't believe you have 3 kids! You are all so cute too. I can't wait to see you and the girls. We are sad we miss days like this, but hey what can you do? Love you lots.
I love Hailey's blessing dress! I honestly want one for my little girl to be blessed in! Dang now every blessing dress I see I'm going to think about Hailey's! I LOVE it! You guys all look so stinkin cute! I love your hair!
still waiting...still waiting...still waiting...still waiting...still waiting...still waiting....still waiting.....sigh.sigh.sigh
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